Flat Rate
$ 4,999
Per Case
24/7 Access to lawyer phone
Upfront cost and expectancy
Payment plans available
No overcharges
Sending Documentation
$ 180
Per Hearing
24/7 Access to lawyer phone
Upfront cost and expectancy
Payment plans available
No overcharges
Sending Documentation
$ 350
Per Hour
24/7 Access to lawyer phone
Upfront cost and expectancy
Payment plans available
No overcharges
Sending Documentation
Shortcode : [row
][column col="4"
][pricing-plan title="Flat Rate" price="4,999" price_sign="$" duration="Per Case" highlight="no" row1="24/7 Access to lawyer phone" row2="Upfront cost and expectancy" row3="Payment plans available" row4="No overcharges" row5="Sending Documentation" btn_label="Purchase Now" link="#"
] [/column
][column col="4"
][pricing-plan title="Hearing" price="180" price_sign="$" duration="Per Hearing" highlight="yes" row1="24/7 Access to lawyer phone" row2="Upfront cost and expectancy" row3="Payment plans available" row4="No overcharges" row5="Sending Documentation" btn_label="Purchase Now" link="#"
][column col="4"
][pricing-plan title="Hourly" price="350" price_sign="$" duration="Per Hour" highlight="no" row1="24/7 Access to lawyer phone" row2="Upfront cost and expectancy" row3="Payment plans available" row4="No overcharges" row5="Sending Documentation" btn_label="Purchase Now" link="#"