Domestic Plan
$ 149
Per Visit
switcher and breaker repair
Electrical panel inspection
ceiling fan inspection and repair
heating system inspection
3 People at Work
Advance Plan
$ 299
Per Visit
Install Plumbing Pipes
Drainage Cleaning
Repair a Sewer Main
Repairs & Alterations
Leaky Faucet Repair
Commercial Plan
$ 499
Per Visit
Maintained Equipment
Priority Scheduling
10% Off On All Services
Repairs & Alterations
Machine Testing
][column col="4"
][pricing-plan title="Domestic Plan" price="149" price_sign="$" duration="Per Visit" highlight="no" row1="switcher and breaker repair" row2="Electrical panel inspection" row3="ceiling fan inspection and repair" row4="heating system inspection" row5="3 People at Work" btn_label="Choose Now" link="#"
] [/column
][column col="4"
][pricing-plan title="Advance Plan" price="299" price_sign="$" duration="Per Visit" highlight="yes" row1="Install Plumbing Pipes" row2="Drainage Cleaning" row3="Repair a Sewer Main" row4="Repairs & Alterations" row5="Leaky Faucet Repair" btn_label="Choose Now" link="#"
] [/column
][column col="4"
][pricing-plan title="Commercial Plan" price="499" price_sign="$" duration="Per Visit" highlight="no" row1="Maintained Equipment" row2="Priority Scheduling" row3="10% Off On All Services" row4="Repairs & Alterations" row5="Machine Testing" btn_label="Choose Now" link="#"
] [/column