Pricing Plan


$ 19.99

Per Month

20 Workouts

Meal Plans & Analysis

Weight Assessment

Physical Activities

24/7 Support


$ 39.99

Per Month

40 Workouts

Meal Plans & Analysis

Weight Assessment

Physical Activities

24/7 Support


$ 59.99

Per Month

28 Workouts

Meal Plans & Analysis

Weight Assessment

Physical Activities

24/7 Support

Shortcode: [row][column col="4"][pricing-plan title="Basic " price="19.99" price_sign="$" duration="Per Month" highlight="no" row1="20 Workouts" row2="Meal Plans & Analysis" row3="Weight Assessment" row4="Physical Activities" row5="24/7 Support" btn_label="Choose Now" link="#"] [/column][column col="4"][pricing-plan title="Advance" price="39.99" price_sign="$" duration="Per Month" highlight="yes" row1="40 Workouts" row2="Meal Plans & Analysis" row3="Weight Assessment" row4="Physical Activities" row5="24/7 Support"  btn_label="Choose Now" link="#"][/column][column col="4"][pricing-plan title="Standard" price="59.99" price_sign="$" duration="Per Month" highlight="no" row1="28 Workouts" row2="Meal Plans & Analysis" row3="Weight Assessment" row4="Physical Activities" row5="24/7 Support" btn_label="Choose Now" link="#"][/column][/row]

Note: You can change column as per your need, Two column, three column and four column. For Two column change “col” attribute to 6, for three column change “col” attribute to 4 and for four column change “col” attribute to 3.

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